Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Chicken Scratch Poultry Farm Store - Etsy

We're happy to announce we've opened an etsy farm store.  We'll be offering products created right here on the farm like our home grown honey, homemade soap, dried berries, flowers, vines, wreaths, baskets and much more.  Not only will there be hand made products but we'll be offering antiques with rustic shabby charm.  I love rusty, dusty, junk, I hope you do too. 
Please come by and favorite Our Store and check out what we have.  We're adding to it daily so check back often.  There just might be some treasure you can't live without.
Keep in mind honey and cute chicken soaps make great Christmas gifts....

Friday, November 18, 2016

New Breed On The Farm - Crested Cream Legbar

One of our new breeds on the Chicken Scratch Poultry Farm for spring 2017 will be the Crested Cream Legbar.  I can honestly say I've grown to love this breed and I feel confident you'll enjoy it as much as we have.  

This remarkable bird has all  the attributes most poultry enthusiast are looking for.   
Cream Legbar are a medium sized bird, auto sexing, good foragers, sweet temperament and great  producers of beautiful pastel sky blue to light green eggs.   They produce large numbers of eggs and are rarely broody.  The hens produce a rather large egg for the size of bird. 

The Cream Legbar are really good foragers and do well free ranging.  They are nicely camouflaged with the beautiful charcoal grey and tan feathering.   The roosters are also protective of the hens and always have an eye on the sky.

Egg color is one of the most difficult things to photograph. Different lighting can make the eggs look completely different. The two top eggs in the carton are my Ameraucana eggs, they always lay a sky blue egg. The other 6 eggs are the Cream Legbar, they range from pastel blue to turquoise blue/green.  The color is bold, rich and makes for a lovely egg basket. 
In 1952 a  study was conducted in England with seven Cream Legbar hens for one year, on average they each laid 260 eggs. That alone makes them a great hen to have in the coop.

Cream Legbars are an auto sexing breed which we find so appealing as I'm sure our customers will also enjoy.  It's very difficult to find a bird that produces a pastel colored egg that can also be easily sexed.
We will be offering this breed as sexed day old chicks or you can order as started young pullets and roosters. 
Look forward to hearing from you.
Angie & Larry

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Pullets Available For Shipping

We have a nice selection and range of ages in our started young pullets so I though it would be a good time to share a few photos.  Fall is a great time for shipping poultry, with the cooler weather they ship very well.  Some of the pullets that we have right now will be laying eggs very soon and will continue to lay through the winter months.  We have some 4 to 5 month old Light Sussex hens that will be laying within the next month.  I also have young ones if you want something a little younger.   They're a very friendly breed that love to interact with you if your looking for more of a pet.  They are also great for egg production.  We can always give you advice over the phone if your unsure of what age group you need for your existing flock.

We have a few Ayam Cemani pullets.  I've been very surprised at egg production of this breed. They lay a nice large egg and lots of eggs!  They tend to be a shy bird but if worked with for a very short time become very friendly and easy to handle.  They're absolutely stunning to watch forage around the yard.

I only have a very few of the Beautiful, big butted Black Orpington left.  You can't go wrong with this amazing bird.  Not only are they gorgeous, but they're friendly and huge.  I'm talking wide load....

The Olive Egger, our top seller for several years now.  The breed that we created over 10 years ago that now all of the hatcheries have copied (but they still can't get the egg color that we do.) We will have a few available soon.  Don't wait to long to place your order, they'll be gone in a flash!

I will have just a couple of Splash Marans very soon.  They will be a nice dark egg layer.  The Splash Marans are a more friendly bird than the Black Copper Marans.

The Chocolate Orpington.  This is a borrowed photo from one our happy customers.  As you can see they are very interactive, friendly and not to mention cute as can be!
These sweet little birds are round like a volley ball, with the shortest little legs.  Their little brown toes just peeking out of the feathers.

Lavender Orpingtons, I have several pullets around 10 weeks of age.  Talk about beauties!
The great thing about getting a bird this age, they will be laying by spring and they're already feathered out for winter.  I also have young roosters in this breed is you would like a breeding pair.

This amazing blue bird to your right is the Rumpless Araucana.  You can't find a TRUE Aruacana anywhere because there isn't a hatchery in the USA that even truly understands or knows what this breed is.  Don't even try to get this breed from a hatchery, you can only find a true Rumpless Araucana from a breeder.

I have two Rumpless Araucana hens ready to go, they are 3 months old.  I have the blue one (above) and the black on to your left.  I will have more at a later date.  This breed is very difficult to sex and takes several months of growth before mother nature reveals her secrets.

For more information head over to The Website.  Your also welcome to give me a call at