Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Chicken Wire Cloches

As you probably remember about a month ago I shared with you in our blog about helping out some sweet little baby rabbits.  Well now those sweet little rabbits are eating up the cabbages in my garden.  I read awhile back on Farm House 38 blog about making wire cloches to keep the chickens from eating up your plants.  So out of necessity I am now making them.  This is what's left of one of my poor cabbages.


You'll need wire cutters, a roll of  24 inch wide chicken wire and I'm going to use old forks as a little handle.
I began by rolling out the wire on the ground.
Roll the wire out to the size you think you would like your cloches width around to be and then your ready to start cutting.
 After you cut the wire you can now roll it into a cylinder shape.
Fold over the loose ends of wire to hold the cylinder together.
After I got my cylinder shape together I decided it was to tall so I cut off about 6 inches. 
I used that 6 inches of wire that I just cut off to make the dome shape on the top.
Just to top this cute little cloche off.  We used an old fork to make a handle, it was just the touch it needed.
Now my cabbages are safe from nibbling rabbits.
This picture was taken about 9 days after I covered the cabbage with the cloches. As you can see I should have made mine a little bigger around.   They are doing much better now that they are covered.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Opps, sorry, sometimes I forget how to use the internet. Here's my comment: How long did it take you to make one? I might have to try this out, because I'd rather have these than put up a fence around my garden to keep the chickens out. These would be much cuter than a chicken wire fence!

    2. Hi Maia,
      It really didn't take to long to make them. The longest part was just twisting
      over the little wires to hold it all together. I will make them bigger when I make them again. Guess I didn't take into consideration how fast they would grow.

  2. We had to do the same thing to save my rose bush from the chickens! We'll have to figure out something bigger, and hopefully prettier, soon as the rose bush is finally starting to branch out and I should have my first fully bloomed rose today or tomorrow. So far, the chickens have avoided the green bean and tomato gardens, but I try to keep a very close eye on them.
    I love the old fork as a handle - makes great sense and is very cute too!!

  3. Thankyou so much for this simple and easy idea, the fork really tuns it into a piece of art.
    Ive been thinking of ways to keep the dogs from digging and birds from eating my plants and youve just solved my problems.
    Thanks from Down Under - Australia
