Monday, November 18, 2013

Brinsea Ova Scope - Free Giveaway!

The great folks over at Brinsea are offering the Ova Scope to one lucky winner this week.  Along with that, The Chicken Scratch Poultry Farm will be sending that same winner an assortment of hatching eggs. 
With the Ova Scope you can watch your live embryos develop inside the egg.  This aid to egg candling improves the clarity and visibility of the egg and its contents by completely blocking out ambient light. It slightly magnifies the image of the egg and allows you to rotate the egg smoothly as it is observed.
This is a very generous offer from Brinsea and we are so excited!  Head over to Brinsea and check out all of the neat items they offer for all your hatching needs. 
If you sign up to win the Ova Scope, your also getting a box of hatching eggs, so you'll need an incubator....  The Brinsea Mini Incubator does a wonderful job!
The winner will be announced on November 22.

1. Like the Chicken Scratch Poultry Facebook page
2. Like the Brinsea Facebook page.
3.  Your name needs to be in our followers list. To become a follower click the blue button on the right that says "join this site".   
4.  Leave us a comment as to why you would like to win the Ova Scope and box of hatching eggs. 
Good luck!!


  1. I am working hard on improving my breed and will be hatching tons of chicks this season. The Ovascope would be an asset to candling the eggs because of its accuracy and speed in which it can be done.

  2. I tried to hatch eggs 3 times this year and after waiting the whole time plus some, found out that half the eggs were not fertile! Very frustrating! And who wouldn't want more chickens!! Great giveaway! Thank you!

  3. I would be able to have my 4yr old Grandaughter Riley to see some eggs hatch. She always comments when seeing an egg "I hope it will hatch". What a great opportunity to win so that could actually happen! Peep Peep Peep. :)

  4. The neighbor girl down the road from me has finally gotten the ok from her parents yo get chickens. They have spent a lot of time interviewing me :) this would be a great way for her to start, I would love to win this & give it to her. I have a mini advanced incubator she could borrow

  5. I am a longtime follower of your blog as well as your Face Book page. I would love to win the Ovascope! It would be a great help in determining which eggs were developing and which weren't. We incubate a lot of eggs here but don't always get a great hatch. The Ovascope would help change that!... I am a hatching addict! I love to hatch eggs! All eggs, any eggs! I'd love to win the assortment of eggs from you!

  6. I would like to win this as I am going to start hatching eggs this spring and this would be wonderful to keep track of the developing chicks! Chickens are so addictive, and so much fun to have!

  7. I don't see the "join this site" button but have liked your fb pages. Love reading your posts. I love chickens! My sister hatches eggs in her classroom every year and I get the fruits of their labor and love it. Would be so incredible for the kindergarten kids to actually see the chicks developing as opposed to just looking at her display by the eggs. This would be a well-used and loved give-away! Thanks!

  8. I want to win because the Ovascope it just way too cool and I need some eggs for spring. YAY!!!

  9. I do not currently have a way to candle dark eggs and love Brinsea products, and free hatching eggs are always fun!

  10. I would LOVE this Ova Scope, I would love to have better visibility of my developing eggs, and would enjoy growing my flock with the hatching eggs.

  11. My penlight burnt out during my last hatch. If I won this, I wouldn't need to buy a new on. :)

  12. I would love to win the ova scope as I will be doing lots of hatching next year, and to also win some hatching eggs as well, what a great giveaway!

  13. Got my first chickens this spring. I'm loving it. Would really like to win the Ova Scope and hatching eggs. I also live in southern Illinois not far from McLeansboro. It would be a short trip for the hatching eggs.

  14. I would love to win this. I use a flashlight and it doesn't work very well. I had an egg explode in my bator this week. EW!

  15. I have successfully raised my flock from three days old. Now that they are approaching two years, I want to increase my flock. I am debating which Brinsea incubator to purchase for my new adventure. The Ova Scope and box of hatching eggs would be a dream come true!

  16. I would love the ova scope because I home school my kids. I think that it would be awesome to be able to show them the eggs as they develop. I have tried to use a flashlight to show them, but it is very tricky and difficult to see. I would love the eggs because we do not have fertile eggs and it would be awesome to have little peeps!

  17. It is a very rewarding and fun experience along with family to observe the development of a baby chick. I love it!

  18. We moved to a farm last year. Our goal is to not only allow our kids the opportunity for 'space' to grow physically, but also a way to allow them to expand their knowledge. We have a small flock of chickens currently that they kids feed. We would love this as a way to continue to teach them, allow them to separate fertilized eggs from the rest, and expand on our son's 4H project.

  19. I would like to win this because I have not hatched eggs before but now that I have hens and a rooster, I would love to try this! Thanks!

  20. I'd like to win cause I love to hatch out eggs !!

  21. I would love to try hatching eggs! Don't have a rooster so this is the only way for me.

  22. My son has been raising and showing poultry in 4H for many years and he has quite a few champions under his belt. He made an egg candler for one of his projects and it worked pretty good, but I would love to win the Ova Scope for him because it would be a fine asset to add to his equipment.

  23. This would be perfect! I would love to add some of your beautiful birds to my flock & with. Brinsea ovascope my 6 year old could finally get in on the candling(I'm always afraid she will drop one with my current candler..she would be over joyed!!

  24. Linked over here from a Brinsea Facebook post. I have already printed 2 recipe's :) this Indiana girl would love to hatch out some of your babies (even cooler if they were blue eggs!) and have that very handy candler! Can't wait to see who wins!

  25. My little boy and I would love to win these! I homeschool him and we are raising our first flock of chickens. He is starting 4h this year and this would be a great first project! We built a wonderful incubator together, and did a test run with egg from out buff rocks, only lost 2 out of 20 (were weak when they hatched). Now he is ready to hatch his own little flock. We would really love to win these!!

  26. Would love to win this! My daughters are getting ready to do a 4H hatching project and this would make it super fun!

  27. I am so ready to hatch another batch of chicks. I bought a Brinsea Mini incubator this past spring and hatched 4 chicks. It was such an awesome experience that I doubled the size of my coop and want to do it again!

  28. Want to hatch at home instead of paying for incubation services so we are getting an incubator (Happy Birthday to me!). Will be so fun for us to do this as a family. The miracle of chicks =)

  29. We started hatching this year and it is quite an experience sharing with our 7 year old daughter. Using a flashlight it was hard for her to see the developing embryos. The Ovascope would be a great addition to help us with educating and hatching.

  30. My mother and I love your chickens have a want list for the spring of amazing breeds to add to our flocks. I saw the Brinsea ad on your blog a couple months ago and think hatching eggs would be an amazing experience. My 3 year old niece thinks she is a chicken whisperer and she would love this Ova Scope.

  31. I am semi-retired and have a flock that I would like to add to, to help with income. Have a 40 egg incubator and a small 6 egg incubator, that I would like to add some eggs to...and your giveaway of hatching eggs would be perfect along with the candling scope. All of my roosters are over 6 years old and have recently discovered that I can't count on their fertility and your eggs would help me greatly. In the past I have used an LED flashlight-- with poor results. So the Ova Scope would be just the thing. Thank you for offering this great giveaway.

  32. After two years of being in a temporary (rental) house, this very week we are finally buying the home-sweet-home we have picked out! I cannot wait to have baby chickies again, and I would love to use such a beautiful modern little incubator!

  33. We had placed an order last spring to build our flock, we ordered small numbers of different varieties to build a breeding flocks for our farm. The Chicks we ordered were great, they all made it out of the brooder and into the coop just fine, then predator issues cropped up, we lost all but 3 of the new chicks over the course of the year. We are rebuilding now that the foxes are gone, the neighbors dog is behaved and the coyotes have been taught lessons by our dogs. We are not very good at quitting anything, but after losing so many chickens in one year our hearts were broken and dreams dashed. We are still committed to offering a beautiful diverse egg selection to our clients at the farmers market and our new CSA program. We could really use both the hatching eggs and Brinsea Egg Scope on our farm. With our son on the way and us rebuilding a farm that was neglected for to long money is tight for us as newlyweds. Matt and May
    Wisber Farm
    Aurora WI

  34. Thank you for this wonderful chance to get an incubator Mini Echo from Brinsea and start hatching some of your babies!!! Jean

  35. I have never tried hatching eggs before, but a friend has offered to loan me her incubator next Spring and it is on my "to do" list. Candling has always seemed like the hardest part of hatching my own chicks and one of the reasons I have been afraid to try it. The Ova scope would make that easier and more interesting, and an assortment of eggs would be a great way to get started. Thanks for the opportunity!

  36. there is nothing more disappointing than waiting for eggs to hatch and then only a few do from not being fertile. This would make things so much easier and rewarding.

  37. I would love to have this for this spring as I have to get about 100 chicks. I have a hawk that has been hanging around and is pretty well fed. I also will have 2 year old hens and they will be going to the butcher. My chickens are free range right now my enclosed chicken pen is almost done. I also have some peacocks that will laying eggs this year and would love to be able to hatch some out. Thank you so much for a chance to win. Tara

  38. I have sons that are in 4H and we are trying to learn as much about incubating and hatching chicks, especially breeds that are hard to come by. Our first try incubating eggs (from Chicken Scratch) was this last August and we had decent luck. Our homemade candler was difficult to use with the Black Copper Maran eggs. We would love the opportunity to win this!

  39. I bring chickens into the classroom and typically hatch about once a month from Dec. - April and candle the eggs with the kids and teach them about the process, I have been using a flashlight, but a scope would be great, and we can ALWAYS use hatching eggs! :)

  40. I would love to win the Ova Scope and box of hatching eggs. as I want to learn first hand about different chicken breeds from the time they hatch to adulthood. Presently I have 3 Black Copper Marans , 2 silkies and a Silkie Marans chick (cross Breed) . I am a card carrying CCA chicken addict !

  41. I have tried to hatch 2 batches of eggs. The first failed due to a power failure & the most recent we did get 5 out of 15. It sure would have been easier to know which eggs were fertile to start with and to follow the progress of the developing chicks. The Brinsea Ova Scope would be a wonderful tool to win for anyone who enjoys poultry hatching.

  42. Just hatched my first incubator hatch. Would so love to have the Ova Scope - it would be so much better than the flashlight in the closet! I love the Brinsea products and have their Mini Advance Incubator and Eco Glow Brooder. Having new eggs to hatch would be so much fun and a great addition to my growing flock! Thank you!

  43. I'd like to win so I can start my new flock in Portland, OR! (Just moved here from Louisiana and I miss my chickie ladies)

  44. We are just starting out and would love one of these.

  45. I'd like to win one so I can stop using a LED flashlight.

  46. I would love to win this scope and eggs so I can share the fun hatching with my grandchildren.

  47. Having the scope would add so much to the fun had in hatching the eggs, as our grandchildren could watch the development of the embryos. Plus there wouldn't be the disappointment from un-hatched eggs after waiting sooooo long.

  48. I would love to win the scope & hatching eggs so I can see what happens inside the eggs as they develop. I'm new to chickens & the ones I have aren't laying yet.

  49. The scope would be a great addition to my mother's 5th grade classroom. The kids would get to see more and do more. They would get the opportunity to watch the development from start to peeping

    1. Hi Stephanie, Your the lucky winner of the Ova Scope and hatching eggs. I'll need your shipping address. We'll need to work out a date for the hatching eggs also. Contact me at Thanks Angie

  50. We've been hoping to have chickens since we retired last year. Would help us a lot in our quest to become self-sufficient. Thank you for the giveaway and good luck to all entrants!

  51. I love my chickens but have always ordered day olds. Now I'm ready to take it to the next level! Go hatchers. I'm about to buy the mini advanced incubator but let's face it- winning the ova scope and eggs would seal the deal! Wonderful site, blog and business you've developed. cheers... wendy t

  52. I was excited to see this give away. I just recently finished my Brooder and graduating coops. And how awesome it would be to actually know what I'm seeing in my developing embryos.

  53. What a wonderful way to spend next spring, being able to watch the development of baby chicks and pea chicks with my 7 year old G'daughter would be so cool.. we had a couple broody mommas last year up and leave her eggs after a few hatched and with the Ova Scope we can know if they are fertile to place them under another eggciting:) New chicks would be a great addition to our buff Orps too.. thank you for the offer!

  54. Oh Id love to win this, My grand daughter just loves chicks and we love hatching the ova scope would be educational for her to learn more about eggs and the hatching process. And who wouldn't excited about winning hatching eggs and seeing what comes out of them.

  55. I would love to win the Brinsea Ova Scope. I am a 4H leader for our local 4H in NC. It would be fantastic to win the ova scope. It would give our poultry group a great way to see how a chick develops in the egg. It would help in understanding for our embryology projects.

  56. I would love to start a hatching program with my autistic daughter, Peighton age 15. She is in her first year of high school at Peoria High School and is in Ag Science and FFA. In this program she as really blossomed and shown such a great interest in her 21 chickens! It is amazing to watch her with the chickens and she has enjoyed each and everyone of them and know each and everyone specifically to the smallest detail!.

    I think winning the would give her a special insight to how life comes about and understand the miracle of life. Trying to explain to her "where babies come from" is such and abstract idea for her and with this she can see the process and have a better understanding of the process. It would make it real and tangible for her.

  57. I have been saving up my homeschool budget to do an embryology unit with my kids. It would be great to use eggs from Chicken Scratch Poultry.

  58. Winnie MillerI am a poultry club leader for 4h in eastern NC and we are striving hard to promote exhibition poultry and the standard of perfection for breeds. I would love to use the ova scope as a learning tool in our long term goal of developing and improving each child's personal flock of high quality show birds. Learning is contagious, and I hope to spread my quest for learning to the youth in our area! 

  59. I put my first batch of eggs in my brand spanking new Brinsea incubator last month. I was so excited checking up on them each week. Following their weight loss and growing movement. Then the power went out in the middle of the night on Day 20 and I slept through it. No chicks survived. I'd love to have some chicks to raise into beautiful chickens!

  60. Homeschool: this would be a perfect tool to teach my kids about chicken development! We have a neighbor who homeschools too, and runs a 4H group, so she can borrow it. The other neighbor is a school teacher, and she talked about incubating in her classroom, so she can borrow it as well! I hope I win! I also want to buy a mini incubator from Brinsea so we can do smaller batches using less power and with the visibility of hatch! :-)

  61. Well right now we use a home-made candler, It isn't very accurate, but works about 80%. We have 2 incubators, 1 from Brinsea, and an old fashioned one that doesn't have a still air fan, but works for hatching 20+ eggs. My daughter an I just started in poultry with 4H and with youth apa. We really enjoy the miracle of chicks hatching! Kimberly Cote'

  62. I have been keeping chickens now for a bit over two years, but have yet to dive into incubating my own chicks. I would love to win the Ova Scope and hatching eggs to get a start on the amazing prospect of hatching my own chickens.

  63. Jake Bailey! We would love to win the Ovascope - what a great addition to the incubation process. We use Brinsea incubators and EcoGlow brooder heaters - they are AWESOME! Plus, we have hatched Chicken Scratch Poultry eggs and the chicks (and now chickens) are just amazing! Hope we win!

  64. After candling my last group of eggs with an old flashlight, the Ovascope would be a GODSEND. Have an open bator just waiting for those wonderful eggs as well. Thanks for the contest. A great one!

  65. Have some chickens of yours from last year. Love them . would be nice to have something stronger to candel with

  66. My children and me own lots of chickens but have never hatched any of our own. So maybe one day we can! Thank you

  67. What a great offer - we have chickens but have never hatched some other than with our broodies. We would love to have a go at it (we would be very prepared with lots of research!). Plus we have heard great things about Chicken Scratch Poultry eggs. Thank you!
